Monday, February 06, 2006

New Victoria's Secret catalog

I got the Victoria's Secret "Lookbook" in the mail today. That, of itself, is not weird b/c I order enough stuff from there that they think I need several catalogs a week, despite the fact that most of the time there isn't a whole lot of new merchandise to push. I suppose lingere design is a lot like most fashion design - rotating ideas around to make them look new.

Anyway, I'm quite used to the regular models that they use in their catalogs, so imagine my surprise when the entire first 3/4 of the catalog was completely unfamiliar faces. I have no idea who these new girls are or where they came from. And to be honest, they really don't stand up to the regular girls in the least. For a minute, I thought I was looking at a catalog from another company or something until I got to the last several pages and saw the familiar faces from their other catalogs.

While I realize that my body looks absolutely nothing like Gisele or Adriana in anything I order from VS, there is a part of me that likes to at least look the part of what they are modeling - that's the whole fun thing about lingere. So, I have to say that the new models are sure not doing their job when it comes to me - nothing remotely interested me about what they were advertising. I'm not sure if other women feel the same way, but I'd be willing to guess that I wasn't the only person who was somewhat surprised by the latest offerings...

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