Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Geico's caveman commercials

I know it's corny, but I love the Geico caveman commercials. They absolutely crack me up. I think my favorite is the one where the caveman is on a TV program being quizzed by the host and he rattles off all of the things that cavemen did to further the human cause, such as inventing the wheel, and then follows up with, "sorry we couldn't get that to ya sooner." I like the one where he's in the psychiatrists office, too.

I hate the ones with the Gecko though. My mom loves those, but they annoy the heck out of me. I guess this is a good example of a company that uses varied advertising for different audiences. It's a pretty great approach really. I can forgive the stupid Gecko commercials since I love the caveman commercials. Brilliant...


Author said...

Those commercials are discriminatory.

gcb said...

Those commercials are commercials.

But this is not a blog comment.

ar_kay_tee said...

Hehehehe :)