Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gettin' down with Richard Cheese

L. took me to see Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine tonight at El Corazon. If you don't know who Richard Cheese is, he does lounge-singer versions of popular songs, from Slipknot to Britney Spears. I can say that if you're squeamish about vulgar language, he probably isn't your kind of guy since he covers songs that include some profanity. But, it's all in good fun.

It was an awesome show. They played for about two hours, and hit all of their best tunes, including some from their upcoming album. Richard is a great entertainer, and had some really funny things going on with audience members throughout the show. They took suggestions, and did a cover of some Rush tunes including Tom Sawyer - right on the spot; one of the band members wasn't even familiar with the song, so Richard got him going.

After the show, he and the band headed into the lounge where we met up with them, and got autographs and pictures from the whole band. It was a blast. And I got a burning question answered. In one of his Britney Spears covers, he mentions that he'd really like to get to know Britney in a for-unlawful-carnal-knowledge sense. Based on her recent behavior, I wasn't sure whether he'd still want to hit that, but he assured me that he does. So, there we have it. He'd still have sex with Britney Spears. Good to know.

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