Friday, June 29, 2007


I'm tired and grumpy. I had to come back into work about 11:30 tonight to fix an issue with one of my test computers. Normally, I'll work at home in the evenings when I have a lot of stuff to finish up. Recently, this has been working at home in the evenings and well into the mornings to finish up a big project at work. Tonight, as I remotely connected to my work machine, something I installed went pretty wrong. This isn't completely out of the ordinary, since I'm working with pre-release software and I happened to grab a build of this software that clearly wasn't OK. So, I had to come in and rebuild my test machine so that I can finish up all of my stuff by tomorrow evening. Good times, made even better by the fact that I got stuck in a crazy rainstorm on my way back into the office. And then, made even more better (no comments on the crazy grammar) by the fact that my reinstallation crapped out after half an hour, so I had to search for yet another build. It's installing now, so I'm patiently waiting to figure out whether this build will get past the point it did last time. Fingers crossed...

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