Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Well, my step dad got his pacemaker put in today. He was doing pretty well yesterday, although his heart did start spiking last night. He went in for surgery this morning shortly before 9:00 AM, and didn't get out until about 1:00 PM. The procedure lasted about 2 hours longer than the doctor originally estimated because they were having trouble stopping the bleeding. He rested for the remainder of the day, and will go home tomorrow. I know that he was really against getting the pacemaker originally, but I think that it was a really good thing that this happened. If my mom had left for the weekend as she had originally planned, I can't help but wonder what would have happened if he were home alone. I'm so thankful that things happened the way that they did, even though it was stressful and we weren't necessarily prepared for it to happen. Now, I just hope that he can get the prostate cancer under control again.

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