Friday, August 06, 2004

Why rubberneckers might be good

OK, so I've had this idea floating around in my head for awhile, and figured I might as well get it on screen.

I'm prone to getting very upset on the road. I've never done anything stupid on account of it, but let's just say that I can get very vocal when people drive poorly. As such, I used to get REALLY upset whenever there was an accident and traffic suddenly ground to a halt. I mean, what on earth could be so friggin interesting that you suddenly forget that you're in a moving vehicle making an attempt to get somewhere? Move it along people!

Anyhow, as of late I've been thinking about this...thinking doesn't mean that I'm any less annoyed by the situation, but it makes my life a bit more calm when I'm in the car. Perhaps the slow down is actually a good thing in disguise. When there is an accident, there can be all kinds of unforseen things going on in the area - people about, things in the road, etc. So, while annoying, it may prevent worse things from happening. Or at least, that's what I'm going to tell myself to keep sane.

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