Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cough, cough

Sick. Yep. Definitely gotta cold goin' on. I should probably eat more than a handful of crackers, but everything seems like so much work right now. Blah.

Just made some noodles with olive oil and garlic. Garlic always boosts immunity, right? Kick ass, garlic!


Author said...

If you got what I had, you're about to be sick for 2 weeks, then tired for another 2 weeks. Plus, the moment you exert yourself more than the usual, you get tired and/or sick again. It's like I had freakin' momo for a few weeks or something. You get really light headed and groggy, too.

10 grams of vitamin C a day *seemed* to help.

Author said...

Mono. Not "momo."

ar_kay_tee said...

Ick. I hope that I don't have the same thing. I've just been around a lot of people lately, and several of them have been sick, so ya know how it goes. Resting today helped. I'll see how I feel in the morning as to whether or not I'll actually go into work or try to get something done from home instead.