Friday, November 25, 2005


Well, it was an interesting start to the holidays this year. On my way home from work yesterday, I was just merrily heading home, thinking about seeing my family on Thanksgiving day and all of the good times we would have together. A couple of miles away from the place that I'm staying, I was rear-ended. Thankfully, neither of us were hurt, although the cars weren't quite as lucky. My car was OK, and will probably just need a new bumper and maybe a little look-see at the underside because it's running kind of loud now. The other person's car has a rather bent up hood. Overall, not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things though. My back is kind of sore, but it's not too bad. I've been taking some Ibuprofin today and just trying to lay low. I'll keep an eye out on it the next few days and make sure that it doesn't act up.

Anyway, Thanksgiving day was really great. I went over to my parent's house and we had 19 people there (including my new little nephew). It was a really good crowd and everyone was excited to chat and spend time together. I had a wonderful time playing with my niece and nephew, talking with my sisters and other family, and holding the new baby. My mom knitted the baby a little pumpkin hat, so he wore it tonight and looked so cute.

So, overall everything went really well. If I think back on this last year, I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm going to take a page from my friend's book and do a little list...

Things that I'm seriously thankful for:
  • My family and friends, who have helped me through the worst times in my life and helped me to come out on the other end.
  • My job, which keeps me challenged and well paid.
  • My home, which will just get better and better with each new thing I do to it.
  • A home away from home whenever I need it with people who love me and will never give up on me.
  • My health, which at the moment is still a bit down in the dumps because of the cold, but is otherwise sound.
  • My brain, without which I would be nowhere.
  • My experiences, which have helped me become the person that I am today.
  • My counselor, who is a very knowledgable woman and has helped me to see a lot of things more clearly.

And, things that I'm thankful for, but are silly in comparison to the things that I've listed above:

  • Victoria's Secret, without which I would have no adorable pajamas or underwear.
  • Coach, without which I would not be known to my friends as the Coach handbag girl.
  •, without which I wouldn't have such fabulous shoes with free upgraded shipping.
  • Tiffany's, without which I wouldn't have my adorable ring (a present to myself after the divorce) and a color for my bathroom.
  • My bed, which is (using a term from Kati), heaven on a bun.
  • Fabulous parties with Kati and A.
  • My upcoming trip to Las Vegas.

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