Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Existential crises

You know when you get to a point in life when you suddenly question most everything about your path and beliefs? It's been on my mind a lot lately, mostly thanks to some random crap going on with various family members and friends that I'm not going to go into now. I've been reading the book Passages by Gail Sheehy, and apparently my age makes me ripe for this kind of mind play. I will say that it is exhausting. And I think it's good that I have an appointment with my counselor this afternoon to kind of get some of this goodness out in an appropriate way, rather than shaving my head or hitting cars with umbrellas a la Britney Spears or something.

Also, I don't likey the whole thing going on with the swine flu. Thankfully I haven't had to take prednisone now since January, so hopefully my immune system is mostly back to "normal" now (if there is such a thing with my body), but man. I don't like the sound of it one bit. Maybe being a recluse wouldn't be such a bad thing right now. Time to go crawl under a rock. Oh wait, I can't because I'm a responsible person and have a job and other responsibilities to take care of. Hmmm.

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