Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Again with the pills

So, all this time I've been complaining about having a lack of immune system. However, it appears that right now I have an overreactive immune system. At least, that's how I'm understanding the whole allergies-to-the-point-you-want-to-die phenomenon that I'm currently experiencing. This has, of course, caused my asthma to crop up again, which is always a lovely follow-up to having been sick and then being smacked with allergies. The last issue in this fabulous trifecta is acid reflux. I had problems with acid reflux for many years, and after having lost weight last year on the 20/20 program, I went off of my Prilosec for the first time in a very long time. Now, I'm not sure that was the best idea. Apparently the recurrent sore throat and increasingly severe throat and ear pain is likely due to acid reflux. And there is a link between asthma and acid reflux, so it's good times all around.

She also had me do a test for strep and mono, of which the strep came out negative (thank God) and the mono we won't know about until tomorrow maybe. I kind of doubt that it's mono though, because L. had it a couple of years ago and despite my exposure, I never got it. Turns out that most people get resistant to it after exposure as kids without ever developing the symptoms. So, I think that would be highly unlikely, especially considering I have no fever although I'm as cold as a freezer. I got up earlier and got out of my blanket for a couple of minutes and my teeth were literally chattering. Seriously. So, I'm not sure what's up with that. My body temperature is lower, but it tends to run about a degree lower than the normal 98.6 degrees that is "normal" anyway.

My doctor put me on three medications today in hopes that we can get this trifecta under control, AGAIN I might add. Plus the Ibuprofin for the extreme throat and ear pain. So, four things not to mention the existing asthma medication I use. Blech. You know, one day I'd love to know what it's like to be a normal human being with a normal immune system that either reacts properly to germs or doesn't overreact to stuff like plants and grasses, etc. That would be really awesome. With the way things are looking, though, I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath.


gcb said...

You're not mixing NSAIDs, are you? That will aggravate your stomach.

Author said...

Yeah, you don't want to do that.

ar_kay_tee said...

Yeah, but I laid off of them today to see how it went. Unfortunately, acetominiphin does nothing for me, so NSAIDs are where it's at. It was kind of a best of the worst options to get me through the pain.