Friday, August 29, 2008

GOP desperation

Wow, what a desperate move. McCain chose a lesser-known woman, Sarah Palin, as his VP running mate. And she hails from oil-rich Alaska...such a departure for the GOP (not!). Details at McCain praises VP choice Palin's 'tenacity'.

I was especially charmed with what Mike Huckabee had to say of the choice, "Governor Palin ... will remind women that if they are not welcome on the Democrat's ticket, they have a place with Republicans." Seriously? Is Huckabee that stupid, or rather does he think that women are that stupid? Like I would say, "hmmm...this Palin woman has a vagina...and I have a, I guess we must want the same things." It's insulting.

From what I've learned about her (recently), I definitely don't want the same things. She's "pro-life", which is such a stupid term. Like those of us who are "pro-choice" aren't in support of life. Like we support abortion rights because we hope women will terminate their pregnancies instead of supporting abortion rights because we believe that every woman has a right to choose what to do with her own body.

I also found it interesting that Palin has recently been under investigation for a situation where her ex brother-in-law was fired from his job as a state trooper. And her assessment of the indictment of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was, ""very dismaying." She added, "Hopefully though, this won’t be a distraction and get people’s minds off what has to be done in the grand scheme of things."" So you know, just sweep it under the rug and don't worry about possible corruption. To her, it's clearly not important "in the grand scheme of things." Although they are touting her as a change to the status quo, I don't really see how that position is any different than what we've seen from the Bush administration. In fact, that's one of the biggest reasons our country is going down the tubes.

So, so far, I'm not at all impressed with Palin. And on a personal note, she has several kids with weird names. One named Track and another named Trig. What the hell? I wonder what the other three are named. Paw, Branch, and Calc? I could probably search for the answer, but it's just not that important. My estimation is that those kids would probably teased mercilessly with those names, except for the fact that their mom is a governor and as discussed above, probably wouldn't be above having the issue taken care of, if you get my drift. Although, as they discuss in the article, she's "in favor of capital punishment in especially heinous cases such as the murder of a child. ""My goodness, hang 'em up, yeah,"" she said." So maybe she'd let the playground bullies off the hook. There is something so weird about people who are "pro life", yet support capital punishment.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

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