Friday, August 22, 2008

For I.D. Freely and CGB

I thought I.D Freely of perpetual self-check and CGB of CGB Shoots His Mouth Off would find this tidbit mildly interesting, because it has to do with weight lifting...

This morning at the gym I did good mornings, and my trainer has been throwing squats in quite a bit. So far, so good. The hardest part thus far is keeping the form correct, especially on the good mornings. My trainer has also increased my weight routines from two sets to three sets, which is surprisingly difficult. You get used to a certain number of sets, and can even increase the amount of reps per set without as much effort as it takes to throw in a third set. I found this very interesting. I'm sure that this is not really new information for either of you, but I am in a state of discovery when it comes to weight training.

That is all...


gcb said...

I think it varies from person to person. It's harder for me to add reps than it is to add sets, e.g., 3 sets of 10 is harder than 10 sets of 3. I think it depends on your muscle composition...I have more fast-twitch fibers so I'm better at shorter bursts.

I hope you are not squatting in a Smith machine. That is incorrect.

ar_kay_tee said...

Yes, I am squatting in a Smith machine for now until I get stronger and better form. The good mornings were free weights. I'm aware the the Smith machine isn't as good as free weights b/c you don't develop the stabilization muscles and such, but for starting out we're using the machine.