Thursday, May 03, 2007


I could really do without insomnia, but apparently insomnia can't do without me. So, here I am at almost 3:00 AM writing an entry for my blog. This is after tossing and turning for the last hour and a half. Usually I won't stay in bed for that long, but since L. isn't here tonight (and thus my frequent change in positions would not bother him), I figured I'd see if I could wait it out and drift off. But no such luck.

Maybe I'll try to do some more work and see how I feel in another hour or so. Then I can get up and drag myself into work. Good times...


gcb said...

I always have trouble sleeping...I usually just read or stay up working. Might as well get something done.

ar_kay_tee said...

Yep, that's me, too. I usually get up and do some work, or sometimes pull out a crossword puzzle. Tonight it's almost 1:00 AM and I'm still not ready for bed. Sigh...

gcb said...

Could be worse---it's 2AM and I'm starving, so I just ate half a bag of beef jerky. At least my code is running correctly now.

Hey, Becker is on.