Monday, February 12, 2007

Diets and exercise suck

Me: it's been one week since I started to eat better and exercise; let's hop on the scale and see where we're at

Scale: you've gained 4 pounds

Me: 4 pounds???????

Scale: yep

Me: hmmm, that's not really the direction I was aiming for (sob...)


Author said...

Do you weigh yourself at the same time, even same day of the week? The best time is in the morning, upon rising, in the middle of the workweek. Do it for a month, average it out: that's your weight.

You're probably just bloated or something.

ar_kay_tee said...

Yeah, I always weigh myself on Monday mornings after I hop out of the shower. That way, I get a consistent reading. Who knows...I'll try again next week.