Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Just what I needed

I was rear-ended / rear-side swiped today on my way to work. By a school bus. In front of a school. While waiting for a line of parents to drop off their kids at said school.

The bus driver was turning out of the school's exit driveway, and I guess she thought that she'd drive down the center of the road over a double-yellow line to pass everyone who was turning or waiting for those who were turning (like me). Apparently thought she was not subject to the same physical parameters that applied to the rest of us drivers and pedestrians on the road this morning. I am fine, aside from a slight lower back twinge from tensing up so suddenly. Ice and Alleve have helped a lot today. My car looked worse for wear than the bus. No kids on board, thankfully.

The bus driver wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so I'm hoping that amongst all the paperwork we had to fill out, we got the right stuff logged. Their insurance company was rather hands off on it this morning when I called. I guess the driver has 24 hours to report the incident, at which point I'll hear what next steps to take and *I* should call *them* back tomorrow sometime. Good thing time is not of the essence!


gcb said...

Sorry to hear that, glad you were not more seriously hurt. Though you might get the twinge looked at just to be safe.

ar_kay_tee said...

Thanks GCB! My back was fine today, so I don't think it's any biggie. We got the claim started today, so I should be able to get the car fixed soon, and I'm thankful that it wasn't worse.

mib said...
