Monday, June 14, 2010

Can we just move on, please?

I'm not sure why news like this is supposed to be so shocking. The Kennedy brothers were hanging out with Marilyn Monroe, and it's not as though JFK hasn't been suspected to have an affair with her. Politicians are people, too. They enjoy sex, and some are kinkier than others. Big f'ing deal. Personally, I don't think it's a huge deal. Marilyn Monroe was hot, and whatever they did or did not do with her is their business. It's one thing if a politician is talking out one side of his/her face about marriage rights and so-called upholding moral behavior and this kind of thing comes's another when people just kind of accept that human sexuality is varied and a personal decision (and right to consent) for each person involved, and just go about their lives while fighting for human rights thoughout their careers.

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