Thursday, December 22, 2005

Who did I tick off in China?

Apparently someone over there is very unhappy with me, as evidenced by the insanely-attached price stickers that I tried to remove from some bathroom light globes last night. Of course, I can't locate my WD-40 anywhere (which I'm sure will turn up in some random box of stuff at some point), but rubbing alcohol seemed to help a bit. After spending wwwwaaayyy too long on a project that should have taken a couple of minutes, I finally got the stickers off and put the light globes up. At least in the end, they look quite nice :)

A note to the sticker-putter-on-er: I'm very sorry...please ease up on the adhesive.

On a side note, sometimes I'm amazed that I'm actually a writer when I come up with things like "sticker-putter-on-er". Thank God I have an editor at work...not that he'd change that himself, but he'd certainly come back with a whopper of a comment about it. And of course, at work I'd actually think of a term that made sense, but this is a blog for goodness sake.

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