Friday, September 30, 2005


I recently started listening to "Fraud" by David Radkoff on my iPod. It has been such a joy to listen to. I love David Sedaris, so I started getting into memoirs, and just finished two audiobooks by Augusten Burroughs, and then moved onto Radkoff. Although I thoroughly enjoy Sedaris and Burroughs, I'm not sure that I've laughed quite as hard (or as often aloud) as I have while listening to "Fraud". I'm such a fan of authors who read their own work, and Radkoff has a really great way of delivering a story. Plus, the sayings that Kati and I have come out with from these memoirs...I doubt many people would actually understand our conversations were they not versed in memoir-speak.

So far, I have two favorite sections from "Fraud". The first is when Radkoff describes a museum about the Loch Ness monster, and how they desperately need a proofreader for the captions on their photos. Apparently they have random sentences inside of random sentences, leaving the whole caption to make no sense whatsoever. The second favorite is where he talks about using a computer mouse for the first time and not realizing that you pick the mouse up when you hit the end of the mouse pad. Both accounts are quite funny and very much worth downloading the audiobook to your favorite audio device.

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