Saturday, June 18, 2005

Tom pops the question at the Eiffel Tower

Well, it's official - Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are engaged. I guess a couple of months of brainwashing - errr, dating - can really sweep a girl off her feet.

Katie has mentioned that when she was a little girl, she used to dream of marrying Tom Cruise. I wonder if that dream included her conversion to a cult, which I'm sure that Tom, Mr. "if-they-don't-like-Scientology-well-then-f***-you" was very objective about. Oh well...she's not the first woman in history to do something like that for her man.

On a related note, how much freakier can Tom get? He's suddenly this over-the-top, wacko kinda guy instead of the cool, handsome leading man. I'm not sure that this recent development has been a good career move, but I suppose he has plenty of money to retire on.

All around, it's just kinda weird - like Flava Flav and Brigitte Nielson kinda weird. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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