Saturday, June 04, 2005

Street ass

So, I absolutely love my sister-in-law, Kati. Today, we headed out to IKEA to do some random shopping. Along the way, we drove past a guy with half his ass exposed on the street. No, I'm not kidding. It wasn't even like he was overly huge or anything, but nonetheless, there was his big ol' ass hanging out. It was far worse than regular plumber butt. He was chatting it up with the neighbor next door, without a care in the world (obviously).

It could almost go without saying that Kati and I busted up laughing. It just wasn't something that you see every day (thankfully, I might add). I'm not sure why the guy didn't notice his ass hanging out of his pants, but maybe it's just an every day kind of thing for him or maybe he has no nerve endings in this butt. Perhaps it's like Tara Reid, whose breast popped out on the red carpet one day and she had no clue. In any case, it was an alarming sight and I can only hope that one day someone will buy him the proper size of pants to cover up his ass.


Author said...

Try keeping a straight face while you walk by one of the dozens of old men in Japan who pee in the bushes...near to an arterial...during rush hour.

ar_kay_tee said...

Seriously? Wow!

Author said...

Fo' realz.

ar_kay_tee said...

That's pretty sick, actually.