Monday, November 10, 2008

Proposition 8 is hate

On Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight, Olbermann's special comment was about the vote on Proposition 8 in California, which rescinded the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry. I was really touched by it and agree wholeheartedly with what he said.

After Prop 8 passed, L. and I were talking about how ridiculous it was for people to discriminate in such a way and wondered what supporters of Prop 8 are scared of. Gay and lesbian marriage certainly doesn't undermine my marriage or anyone else's marriage. It should be unconstitutional on the basis that the only reason behind it is religious and breaks the separation of church and state. And as Olbermann points out, it wasn't all that long ago that we redefined marriage so that bi-racial couples could marry, and in our dark past that slaves couldn't marry because they were "property". The fact that marriage is even recognized by the government is odd, in that we shouldn't have a special status based on a religious rite.

But, Olbermann says it perfectly, and I urge you to watch his thoughts on the subject:

Or, if you want to read the text of this, you can check it out on Huffington Post.

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