Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Republicans on viagra and other musings

It seems that one of the republican party's poster children was caught with Viagra without a prescription. I really can't imagine why anyone one have sex with Rush Limbaugh, although I suppose there are crazy enough people out there who would do it. Ann Coulter comes to mind.

A friend of mine once referred to Coulter as his ultimate "hate-fuck". This means that she is someone whom he hates so much that the sex would be really intense and amazing. Yeah, I dunno either; I tend to avoid people who I can't stand. You know, I actually found Coulter's books in the Nonfiction category at Barnes and Noble the other day. I have to say that if I think she'd fit in much better in the Fiction section, which by definition is for "literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact." (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed.) Anyway, from what I can tell of her latest book (Godless: The Church of Liberalism), she'd rather put all of us liberals in a neat little bucket that reads "Godless", simply because we don't subscribe to the opinion that we need to push our religious beliefs (or choice to abstain from religion) on the whole country in the form of legislation.

Dear Ann - I am liberal (which by the way, is not a dirty word), but I am not Godless. If it is impossible for your little brain to understand that a liberal system of government can co-exist with varied religious beliefs, please make sure that your books are categorized where they belong - as fiction. Thanks!

Oh, and for those who would like to know the actual definition of liberal and conservative, here ya go (also from the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed.):
  • Liberal: "favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded."
  • Conservative: "favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change."

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