Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dog toys

Oli destroys pretty much any stuffed toy we bring into the house. If it has eyes, a nose, or appendages, you can guarantee that it won't last long in our household. When we first got Oli at 8 weeks old and brought him home, I got him a moose stuffed animal from West Paw Designs. We called this moose Maddie, and Oli dragged her around with him everywhere possible. It was by far his favorite toy.  Maddie lasted a long time compared to his other toys. I think I finally had to put her in the garbage about 8 months ago (and Oli just turned 2 years old yesterday, to give you some perspective).

The other day, I was in Mud Bay Granary to pick up some food and a few new toys for Oli, and came across a penguin made by West Paw, so I picked it up. I gave it to Oli on Sunday night, and it's like he's been reunited with a long lost friend. He carries it everwhere with him, and when he's sitting on the couch, he's basically got some part of the toy resting in his mouth. Though the penguin had two funny eyes on it, Oli ate those right away, but the rest of the toy has fared pretty well despite that. Looks like West Paw has done it again!


Anonymous said...

what an absolute CUTIE PIE!!!
"woof! woof!" to Oli from S.in OH.

Tracey said...

Glad to see the nose has survived since one of the eyes bit the dust within an hour of him getting it! I bet it's still cute. Love that pic of Oli.

ar_kay_tee said...

@S in Oh. - Oli says "woof woof" back :)

@Tracey - I'm amazed that the nose is still hanging on. I figured since it was bright orange, it would be gone right away, too, but he seems more apt to chew on the head. Good choice Tracey - I'm glad that you noticed it :)