Sunday, February 28, 2010

I can relate...kind of

First case of popcorn lung outside of factory workers. Poor guy... I can relate to the love of popcorn, although I have an old-fashioned air popper and tend to indulge mostly on weekends or at the movies. I'm not quite into the heavy usage category this guy qualified for.

Best section:
Rose, who has consulted with the popcorn and flavoring industry for the past four years, was surprised to see in the Centennial man's lungs some of what she saw among factory workers.

"So I turned to him and apologized and said, 'This is a really weird question, ... but are you around a lot of popcorn?' His jaw dropped, and he said, 'How did you know to ask me that? I am popcorn."'

"He described himself as a two-pack-a-day user. Sometimes more," Rose said. "He bought it in cases."

Originally saw this on The Old New Thing.


Exactly!!! Although, I don't think people against health care reform really give a flying F about the lower class and whether they'd be able to afford anything related to health care (or anything else for that matter) anyway.

Reposted from perpetual self-check. As he mentions, longer version here.

Friday, February 26, 2010


This is exactly the kind of stuff I was skeptical about when I wrote an earlier post about The Biggest Loser.

A good read

Oh, Kurt Vonnegut...what an interesting life. The Paris Review Interviews of Kurt Vonnegut. I agree with the laughter behind a grand exit into the coat closet.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Stroke of luck

Today, L. and I ventured to the Bellevue mall so that I could look for a new swimsuit. The one I've been using the past couple of weeks doesn't fit real well, and there's nothing like wearing an ill-fitting piece of spandex to make you realize that maybe you should just cough up a few bucks for something that fits properly and doesn't make you want to duck back into the locker room immediately. I think the suit I've been using dates back about 10 years now, so it was time.

I actually intended to look at Macys, but we parked by the JC Penney and I figured we could look there first. Lo and behold, they had a whole section of swimsuits, and some of them were pretty cute and came in my size. I found about 10 different ones to try on, and made my way to the dressing room while L. found a chair to wait in. I think we were secretly both worried that this trip was not going to end well. If there are two things women really hate shopping for, it's swimsuits and jeans.

Anyway, I went in and had a good chuckle over a few of them. These clothing makers have no idea how much fabric it actually takes to keep in the girls for a rather well-endowed woman as myself. In the end, I came out with three suits that fit properly and were cute! L. and I both sighed in relief and went to the counter. We didn't end up needing to go to Macys, I didn't complain about my weight, and I didn't come home depressed and empty-handed. All in all, it was a pretty good experience.

Blame inflation

Today as L. and I were walking out of the Bellevue mall, we were asked by a seemingly normal, older gentleman if we could spare $10. Not "change" or "a buck" like most people begging for money, but $10. Guess inflation has really affected everyone... Sheesh!