Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy holidays

No, I haven't forgotten my username and password, or how to type. It's just been a difficult time recently, and (unusually for me) I didn't feel like writing about any of it. As I mentioned in my last post, we were going to visit L.'s dad for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately L.'s step mom, J., passed away the weekend before we made it down for a visit. So, we spent our time trying to help out however we could and grieved the loss.

It was a really quick trip, and when we got back I had to jump right back into work to prepare for the final release of our docs. Of course, this was right after lay offs affected our group, so we quickly felt the loss of those co-workers who were let go. That made it quite difficult both personally and professionally. But, we made it through and finally got some respite the last couple of weeks as the holidays approach.

I had a nice break recently with the visit of a friend from London, A. She stayed with us one evening and we spent the next day window-shopping together. I also visited my friend, V., to give her a Christmas gift and spent some time talking over the past year and how I want next year to be. I know that there will still be challenges, but I'm hoping for a more uneventful year. My New Year's resolution is to bring my life back into balance. It seems like I live in extremes for the most part, and finding a niche for everything that is important gets harder and harder as the years go on. I simply can't keep working such long hours and neglecting my personal life and health, so that's the balance I'll try to achieve.

L. and I are hosting the Christmas festivities this year. We're having my dad over on Christmas eve, but we plan to go out to eat instead of make anything here. Then on Christmas day, my mom's family will come, including my grandparents and both sisters and nieces and nephews. We're really looking forward to seeing everyone and making the Christmas dinner. We have the house all decorated, with lights on the outside and a beautiful Christmas tree in the living room, complete with wrapped packages beneath the boughs. The cleaner came yesterday to give the place a good once over, and we're ready to open our home to everyone. Despite the crappy year it's been, I'm determined to make Christmas one of the bright spots and enjoy some time off. My vacation has officially started, and I'm excited to catch up on some great reading, great shows, and visits with family.

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