On Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight, Olbermann's special comment was about the vote on Proposition 8 in California, which rescinded the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry. I was really touched by it and agree wholeheartedly with what he said.
After Prop 8 passed, L. and I were talking about how ridiculous it was for people to discriminate in such a way and wondered what supporters of Prop 8 are scared of. Gay and lesbian marriage certainly doesn't undermine my marriage or anyone else's marriage. It should be unconstitutional on the basis that the only reason behind it is religious and breaks the separation of church and state. And as Olbermann points out, it wasn't all that long ago that we redefined marriage so that bi-racial couples could marry, and in our dark past that slaves couldn't marry because they were "property". The fact that marriage is even recognized by the government is odd, in that we shouldn't have a special status based on a religious rite.
But, Olbermann says it perfectly, and I urge you to watch his thoughts on the subject:
Or, if you want to read the text of this, you can check it out on Huffington Post.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I heart Rachel Maddow
Tonight, when reporting about Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens (republican) - a convicted felon - possibly being reelected to the Senate, Maddow said, "You stay classy Alaska." A great Ron Burgundy reference from Anchorman, as well as a perfect sentiment to convey that whole "what the hell?!?" reaction most people would have to a state electing a known criminal to represent them in the Senate.
Yep, classy. What are people drinking up there in Alaska?
Yep, classy. What are people drinking up there in Alaska?
Monday was such a hard day with the anticipation and uncertainty. I just lost it and had to unload here it before it drove me crazy. In the light of day, I can say that I was definitely too harsh and I feel badly about that, but that's the level of frustration I was at. I would like to apologize to anyone who was offended by my post.
We'll move forward from here and I have faith that our new leader will reach across the aisle to bring the republicans along. At least I hope that's the case. Because we do need both parties to make this whole thing work. I'm just so thankful to be done with the president shrub administration.
We'll move forward from here and I have faith that our new leader will reach across the aisle to bring the republicans along. At least I hope that's the case. Because we do need both parties to make this whole thing work. I'm just so thankful to be done with the president shrub administration.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
We won!!!
Hell yes, we did! I think that McCain did a nice job in his speech to congratulate Obama. It's time for a change people. Let's be the change that we seek.
Monday, November 03, 2008
What I really think (unedited)
Ok, I'm going to lay it all out on the line right now. It's the eve of our great election here in the U.S. and I just can't contain myself any longer. I'm going to write things here that I would normally reserve for my own self or my liberal friends who would understand me. Nothing held back. No censorship of what I say. Just raw thoughts about what I'm feeling and thinking on this day. And no running my thoughts through the logic-meter in my head. I'm going to make good use of the f-word and everything else. This is baring it all and feeling no regrets, because this just has to come out one way or another...so why not on my blog...
First, fuck the republicans. Yeah, I said it and I meant it. If you're a republican, you're a stupid asshole who deserves the mess that we're currently in. If you're not, then I think you should be exempt from this mess that we're currently in. If you voted for the douchebag, you pay for the consequences. And if you support his next in line, fuck you even more. You'd give the presidency and vice presidency up to the next dickhead in line at Walmart rather than people who have dedicated their lives to the cause. Why? Because they're down home people who talk just like you do? Here's a news flash...our president and the politicians who represent us should sound smarter than us - not just like us. I don't want my president to be someone who I can drink a beer and snort cocaine with, while turning my head the other way and crying for Jesus to forgive me. No! I want someone who knows what they're talking about and who can represent us to other world leaders with the respect that we deserve.
Second, fuck the undecideds. Are you kidding me? You still can't decide who to vote for? It's not like Obama and McCain are twins. They stand for different things, you fuckhead. Get some perspective and take a stand on the issues that matter most to you. If you can't make a decision, then do us all a favor and leave the country to the people on each side who actually give a damn.
Third, people who still support president shrub should be gathered up for mental evaluation. I had an aunt in Germany who swore until the day that she died that Hitler was the best thing to ever happen to Germany. She said, "he brought the country back from ruin and gave us the autobahn." If you still support Bush, you sound just like her crazy rants and deserve the disparaging remarks and looks that come your way. If your beliefs are stronger than actual fact and logic, then you shouldn't be voting or doing anything that might affect other lives.
Fourth, every time we have a republican president (in my life on earth anyway = Ronald Reagan, Bush, Sr., and Bush, Jr.), we seem to have these massive economic troubles with record-crushing budgets and Wall Street meltdowns. Not to mention questionable (at best) military policies, periods of pissing off other nations, and so many news stories of corruption that nothing seems to surprise us anymore. You aren't really republican. Abraham Lincoln would be ashamed to share the same party affiliation with you, because you've turned the republican party into a whore. Pick up a book and learn what republican really meant back in the day. Then take a look at the facts of what's been going on in our country for the last few decades and figure out that people are trying to pull the wool over your eyes while labeling it something that it isn't.
Also, words like democrat, liberal, progressive, taxes, socialism, health case, and welfare, and so on aren't dirty words. I'm proud to be a liberal, progressive democrat who supports paying taxes for all of us to have a good place to live and supports socializing some aspects of our lives in order for other people to have the things that they need. Joe the Plumber? If you're making over $250,000 a year, you're not in fucking need and can afford to pay more to help those who are scraping by. If that includes a small percentage of people who take advantage of the system, so be it. NOTHING is perfect, even your perception of your place in the world. And you'll benefit from the added programs, too, so shut the hell up about your precious tax dollars that you're probably not even contributing anyway.
I am a democrat and I am an American - a proud American. Just because I learn about other places in the world and question what we're doing as a country doesn't mean that I'm any less American. Our founding fathers questioned everything and debated everything. They wouldn't stand for today's zombie-brained republicans to spout ridiculous nonsense as the grounds for things like a war in Iraq and earth-shattering debt. Hell no! They'd pull out their gun and shoot your sorry ass on the debate floor.
So, grow a pair and take a look at what's really going on. Put your specific religious beliefs aside and realize that there is something bigger than you in this world. Support laws that really cause us to be equal and are fair. Then go home and do what is right for you and your family. No one is saying that you have to marry a gay person if you're not gay. No one is saying that you have to have an abortion if you are pregnant. All we're saying is that the freedom and choice should be there for everyone in this country. Don't tout yourself as a freedom fighter if you don't really support freedom for all. In that case, call youself what you are - a bigot, and be proud of that. At least it'd be the first time you'd correctly identified youself in recent history. Figure out what the term "fiscal responsibility" stands for and hold your reps responsible. Bill Clinton may have been a democrat, but he was the first in a long line of presidents to balance our budget and figure out that we need to pay for what we buy - not charge it. Didn't your parents teach you to pay for what you bought? We can't all afford tax cuts when the US isn't even paying what it owes!!!
You know, over the last few years I've had many conversations with liberals and conservatives alike. And you'd almost think that we could come to some common ground. But I'm just not sure that's the case anymore. Call me a pessimist, but I'm just never going to believe that my own religious beliefs should be imposed on everyone else. Because at the same time, I don't want other people's religious beliefs imposed on me. And while this post is clearly not elegant or well-thought out, but rather the ramblings of a poor soul who made the mistake of drinking 1/2 a bottle of French wine tonight, it's still a part of me. I have family and friends who, God love them, are republican and proud. And I'll still continue to love them tomorrow, no matter what happens. And I'm sure they'll continue to love me, too. But we've gotta come to some kind of consensus on this nonsense. I just can't put up with the drama every 4 years. And all I can really think is that my political affiliation isn't really asking you to do anything differently with your beliefs, while your political affiliation is asking me to discriminate against many things. And that just isn't what I learned from my Bible or my life experiences. No, I'd rather leave that judgement up to whatever we find in the end. Because that's just not my job, and it's not yours either. So let's just all try to get along.
First, fuck the republicans. Yeah, I said it and I meant it. If you're a republican, you're a stupid asshole who deserves the mess that we're currently in. If you're not, then I think you should be exempt from this mess that we're currently in. If you voted for the douchebag, you pay for the consequences. And if you support his next in line, fuck you even more. You'd give the presidency and vice presidency up to the next dickhead in line at Walmart rather than people who have dedicated their lives to the cause. Why? Because they're down home people who talk just like you do? Here's a news flash...our president and the politicians who represent us should sound smarter than us - not just like us. I don't want my president to be someone who I can drink a beer and snort cocaine with, while turning my head the other way and crying for Jesus to forgive me. No! I want someone who knows what they're talking about and who can represent us to other world leaders with the respect that we deserve.
Second, fuck the undecideds. Are you kidding me? You still can't decide who to vote for? It's not like Obama and McCain are twins. They stand for different things, you fuckhead. Get some perspective and take a stand on the issues that matter most to you. If you can't make a decision, then do us all a favor and leave the country to the people on each side who actually give a damn.
Third, people who still support president shrub should be gathered up for mental evaluation. I had an aunt in Germany who swore until the day that she died that Hitler was the best thing to ever happen to Germany. She said, "he brought the country back from ruin and gave us the autobahn." If you still support Bush, you sound just like her crazy rants and deserve the disparaging remarks and looks that come your way. If your beliefs are stronger than actual fact and logic, then you shouldn't be voting or doing anything that might affect other lives.
Fourth, every time we have a republican president (in my life on earth anyway = Ronald Reagan, Bush, Sr., and Bush, Jr.), we seem to have these massive economic troubles with record-crushing budgets and Wall Street meltdowns. Not to mention questionable (at best) military policies, periods of pissing off other nations, and so many news stories of corruption that nothing seems to surprise us anymore. You aren't really republican. Abraham Lincoln would be ashamed to share the same party affiliation with you, because you've turned the republican party into a whore. Pick up a book and learn what republican really meant back in the day. Then take a look at the facts of what's been going on in our country for the last few decades and figure out that people are trying to pull the wool over your eyes while labeling it something that it isn't.
Also, words like democrat, liberal, progressive, taxes, socialism, health case, and welfare, and so on aren't dirty words. I'm proud to be a liberal, progressive democrat who supports paying taxes for all of us to have a good place to live and supports socializing some aspects of our lives in order for other people to have the things that they need. Joe the Plumber? If you're making over $250,000 a year, you're not in fucking need and can afford to pay more to help those who are scraping by. If that includes a small percentage of people who take advantage of the system, so be it. NOTHING is perfect, even your perception of your place in the world. And you'll benefit from the added programs, too, so shut the hell up about your precious tax dollars that you're probably not even contributing anyway.
I am a democrat and I am an American - a proud American. Just because I learn about other places in the world and question what we're doing as a country doesn't mean that I'm any less American. Our founding fathers questioned everything and debated everything. They wouldn't stand for today's zombie-brained republicans to spout ridiculous nonsense as the grounds for things like a war in Iraq and earth-shattering debt. Hell no! They'd pull out their gun and shoot your sorry ass on the debate floor.
So, grow a pair and take a look at what's really going on. Put your specific religious beliefs aside and realize that there is something bigger than you in this world. Support laws that really cause us to be equal and are fair. Then go home and do what is right for you and your family. No one is saying that you have to marry a gay person if you're not gay. No one is saying that you have to have an abortion if you are pregnant. All we're saying is that the freedom and choice should be there for everyone in this country. Don't tout yourself as a freedom fighter if you don't really support freedom for all. In that case, call youself what you are - a bigot, and be proud of that. At least it'd be the first time you'd correctly identified youself in recent history. Figure out what the term "fiscal responsibility" stands for and hold your reps responsible. Bill Clinton may have been a democrat, but he was the first in a long line of presidents to balance our budget and figure out that we need to pay for what we buy - not charge it. Didn't your parents teach you to pay for what you bought? We can't all afford tax cuts when the US isn't even paying what it owes!!!
You know, over the last few years I've had many conversations with liberals and conservatives alike. And you'd almost think that we could come to some common ground. But I'm just not sure that's the case anymore. Call me a pessimist, but I'm just never going to believe that my own religious beliefs should be imposed on everyone else. Because at the same time, I don't want other people's religious beliefs imposed on me. And while this post is clearly not elegant or well-thought out, but rather the ramblings of a poor soul who made the mistake of drinking 1/2 a bottle of French wine tonight, it's still a part of me. I have family and friends who, God love them, are republican and proud. And I'll still continue to love them tomorrow, no matter what happens. And I'm sure they'll continue to love me, too. But we've gotta come to some kind of consensus on this nonsense. I just can't put up with the drama every 4 years. And all I can really think is that my political affiliation isn't really asking you to do anything differently with your beliefs, while your political affiliation is asking me to discriminate against many things. And that just isn't what I learned from my Bible or my life experiences. No, I'd rather leave that judgement up to whatever we find in the end. Because that's just not my job, and it's not yours either. So let's just all try to get along.
Les Misbarack
This is fantastic, even if you've never seen Les Miserables (which by the way, is fabulous):
Thanks to A. for posting this on her Facebook page!
And this one, which was linked...
Thanks to A. for posting this on her Facebook page!
And this one, which was linked...
Sunday, November 02, 2008
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