Thanks A. Your blog entry,
Hell House . . . sincerity that freaks me out, got me thinking (and inevitably writing) about how crazy religion can be, and how it affects public policy.
I grew up a religious person, but I no longer consider myself so. I still believe in a higher power, but I don't think that God (or whatever you choose to call him/her) gets too caught up on the logistics. And more often than not, I find that people use religion as a veil to avoid things that they don't understand, and to foster an environment of discrimination and hatred based on their beliefs. It enables them to dismiss personal responsibility for their thoughts and actions, instead attributing everything to God.
Here's my God infomercial:
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Are you tired of having to think for yourself? Do you want a book that provides all of the answers you just don't have, but you're dying to know?
Do you need a reason to...
...discriminate against people with different beliefs?
...have another child conceived through incest, rape, or from an unhealthy relationship?
...start a war?
...blow up buildings that house businesses, such as Planned Parenthood?
...hate gay people?
...refuse to do parts of your job, such as dispense prescribed medications?
Then, the bible and religion are for you! Join this flock of sheep! Whenever you feel the need to think, just point to a sentence in the bible, and all of your fears will just fade away. You're not personally responsible for anything, anyway.
After all, God didn't write the bible himself, but instead left that important task up to a completely objective group of individuals (who I'm sure had no interest in spicing things up to further a religious cause). And, YOU (out of the other bazillion people on the planet) are most certainly right in all of your beliefs! Don't even consider that there may be another view point that you should at least respect even if you think it's a bunch of hooey. March onward, making your religious beliefs the tenets of public policy to rule over them all! Who cares if your beliefs restrict the beliefs and abilities of others - remember, you're right!
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I wrote a blog entry a long time ago about how ridiculous it is to believe that you can read the bible literally: And I think that the problem is getting worse, because people don't want to spend the money on education. The end result is that their kids grow up without the ability to analyze, so instead we have this nation of idiots who will point to a couple of sentences in the bible to "prove" their point instead of looking at the whole meaning of something and using a little brain power.
I keep wondering how much worse this can get. And unfortunately, I think we still have a long distance to go. Why can't people understand that their personal beliefs are fine for them but should not dictate law for everyone else? I had an interesting conversation with a conservative friend awhile back. The one thing that we could both agree on is that laws at the federal level shouldn't dictate policy for moral issues. Such policy should be made at a local level, where like-minded people can get together, discuss the issues, and make policies that make sense for their lives. Now, if only we could get everyone on board with that.