Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Theaters in Kentucky refuse to show movie

I like to point out stupid things, so here's another shiny coin to add to your bank of insanity. Apparently there are a couple of movie theaters in Kentucky that refuse to show the film Monster-in-Law because of the position that Jane Fonda took against the Vietnam War. While I doubt that our country is in need of another dumb, romantic comedy like Monster-in-Law, this whole thing seems to be a tad bit of an overreaction. Ike - seriously - see a counselor and let go of that resentment. The war is over (in Vietnam at least)...

I find it odd that the very people who are so adamant about protecting American freedom and liberty, are usually the very first people to step in and squash it. And with the current administration, it's just getting worse as time goes on because we keep protecting these idiots when we should really be giving them a kick in the pants, sending them back to the sandbox, and teaching them to get along with others who are different from them. I thought that was something we were supposed to learn in kindergarden or first grade, but a lot of people seem to have lost that message somewhere along the way.

On the flip side, I'm sure that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is ecstatic about this guy. They're protesting the movie on the basis that Jennifer Lopez is in it, and her clothing line uses animal fur. I wonder what Ike thinks about that...interesting thing to ponder; two different agendas coming together in one kinda weird way.

In any case, Ike can do whatever he wants - he does own the theaters after all. And if this kind of thing makes him feel better about his own insignificance...well, I say go for it dude and buy yourself a Corvette while you're at it. Life's too short to stop compensating for a small penis and an even smaller brain.

More information on Fonda Film Banned From KY. Theaters.

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