Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I will wear all black tomorrow...

...in mourning for my country if Bush wins the election.


Author said...

Heh. I was gonna do that, too. Then I just decided to move to Japan instead.

Volunteering went really well last night. I'm incompetent, but incredibly charming. So it worked out alright.

Author said...

Btw, xcan you re-send me your e-mail address?

Author said...

So, are you going with an extravagent evening gown sort of thing or something more, ahem, conservative?

ar_kay_tee said...

I'm wearing black slacks, black socks, black shoes, a dark grey top, and a long black coat. I thought about a black hat with a veil, but had none to don this morning.

Author said...

I have shedded months of negative potical posts and reinvented my blog. Here's the link...
